Keeping Safe
Pield Heath House School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people – this is our number one priority. Robust systems are in place to ensure that young people are protected from harm.
The School maintains a high level of care for all young people. Part of this responsibility involves remaining vigilant for any signs of physical, sexual or emotional abuse as well as various signs of neglect. Whilst the School maintains its own policy and procedures for supporting the protection of young people, this compliments the work of the Hillingdon Local Safeguarding Children Board.
Parents/carers are reminded that in situations causing concern, the school has a duty to act in the best interests of the young person and this may on occasion require referral of our concerns to other agencies.
Safeguarding at Pield Heath House School involves the following key areas:
Safer recruitment
We have a set of procedures designed to ensure that employees do not constitute a risk to young people, have clear guidance on acceptable conduct and that allegations against them are managed effectively.
Staff induction, training and support
All staff are trained to recognise and respond to situations where a young person may be considered to be at risk. This training equips them with the necessary skills, knowledge and understanding to fulfil their responsibilities for safeguarding. Temporary staff and volunteers who work with children are always made aware of the School’s arrangements for safeguarding and their responsibilities.
Child protection
All young people at Pield Heath House School have the right to choice and control in their lives free from discrimination, harassment and abuse. We are committed to protecting all young people from all forms of abuse and mistreatment so that that everyone is able to make a full and positive contribution. All staff are trained to recognise and respond to situations where a young person may be considered to be at risk.
Health and Safety
We are committed to ensuring the highest standards of care for our staff, young people, visitors and others who work on behalf of the School. We believe that an excellent school is by definition a safe school. Since we are committed to excellence, it follows that minimising the risks posed by our activities is inseparable from all our other objectives.
Buildings and security
Pield Heath School is committed to taking all reasonable action to maintain the safety and security of its young people, staff and all those who use its service. It is further committed to taking all reasonable steps to protect the physical environment, as well as all valuable items kept on school premises. This includes not only items of monetary value but also individual records and the young people’s work.