The Trustees delegate the governance of the school to the Governing body which comprises eight Foundation Governors who are appointed by the Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, and representatives from parents, staff, and Local Authority.
All Governors are appointed/elected for a four-year term of office except Head of School who is an ex-officio member. The Chair and the Vice Chair are elected annually.
All Governors have an Enhanced DBS Clearance and are required to declare any interests (pecuniary or other) at all meetings.
As in all schools the three core strategic functions of the Governing Body are to:
- Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction including long term planning.
- Hold the Head of School to account for the educational performance of the school and its students.
- Oversee the financial performance of the school, ensuring its money is well spent.
Our Governors provide excellent support and challenge to the school; they work closely with individual staff members and rigorously monitor the school’s strengths and areas for further development.
The Chair of Governors and the Clerk to the Governing body can both be contacted at the school.
Pield Heath House School Governors
Chair – Dr Stephen Mort
I was a Principal GP in Hillingdon for 31 years, running my own NHS practice and held office on various NHS bodies. I provided medical services to the school from 1988 until I retired from NHS clinical practice in 2014. I also ran my own private medical consultancy until 2020, delivering specialist services to various enterprises including UK Government bodies some of which required Security Clearance. Much of the consultancy work required a good knowledge of Health and Safety and Human Resources matters as well as the ability to run a standalone business. I did voluntary work as a GP for several years supporting the homeless at the Crisis at Christmas emergency shelters in London; and worked for the charity Doctors of the World at their London clinic in the east end assisting asylum seekers and undocumented migrants until 2020. I am married with three grown up children one of whom is an Intensive Care Nurse in East London. My hobbies include walking and golf. I have a long association with Pield Heath and continue to take a keen interest in the school and community.
Vice-Chair – Ms Debbie Gilder
I am the mother of four daughters and wife to a wonderful husband! I also worked at Pield Heath for nearly 20 years as their school business manager until ill health took over. I now work as a funeral celebrant. I love to read, have recently taken up knitting...only in straight lines! I am also a member of the Ramblers association much to the amusement of my family!
Foundation Governor – Mr Tony Corish
Local Authority Governor - Ms Mary O'Connor
My name is Mary, I have lived in Hillingdon for 60 years, was born and brought up in Ireland, came to England to do my nurse training at Hillingdon Hospital, specialised in Accident and Emergency Nursing for which I received an MBE
Have two sons, since they started in our Education system, I have always been involved. Have been a Governor at three other schools in our Borough.
Main reason I do this is, our children are our future, and it is up to us to ensure they have the very best throughout the whole of their Educational life.
I have been involved in Scouting since 1977 and have volunteered in other Charities, mainly Hillingdon Mind, and Hillingdon Brain Tumour and Injury Group.
Teaching Staff Governor – Ms Eryl D’Souza
I am Eryl D’Souza, I have worked at Pield Heath School and have been associated with the school and congregation for 30 years. I have also had the opportunity to visit our schools in Ireland and Germany.
I started working as a teacher, then became Head of the 6th Form – the Victor Braun Centre. I am now the Associate Principal for Community & External Partnerships. Over the years I have experienced many changes as well as challenges in the world of education.
As part of my role, I am responsible for overseeing the Catholic life of the school. This has given me the opportunity to work closely with Westminster Diocese, as well as schools and parishes in the Deanery. I am responsible raising the profile of the school in the local and wider community which has been a real privilege. I write and edit the half termly newsletter for The Friends of Pield Heath and oversee internal/external communication including the website. Over my time I have enjoyed organising and celebrating a variety of anniversaries and other special activities and have held numerous fundraising events. I am proud of the long-lasting relationships I have established with so many families and the wider community.
I believe that everyone has a specific purpose in life and finding that is the key, and the secret to a happy and fulfilled life, is to have a positive outlook and appreciate one’s blessings.
I enjoy writing, meditation, supporting charities, improving my French, and travel.
Foundation Governor – Sr Julie Rose
Sr Julie is a sister in the Congregation of the Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. She is a Trustee and was previously the Executive Principal of both St John’s and Pield Heath House Schools. She works closely with the school’s headteacher and senior leadership team to set the strategic direction of the school. Particular responsibilities have included supporting the school in personnel issues, budget and finance, and in working closely with the head in developing the monitoring role of the governors. She has worked with other governors in the performance management of the head teacher.
Principal – Ms Natasha Johnson
My name is Natasha Johnson and I am the Principal of Pield Heath House School. I joined PHHS in 1996 and left in 2000 to return to South Africa. During my time at Pield Heath, I was the PSHE Coordinator and year 6 teacher. I maintained contact with Pield Heath during my time away and shortly after returning to the UK in 2001, I re-joined the staff as the Lead for SLD and Behaviour Coordinator.
I have been teaching and working in SEN for the past 26years and I am passionate about enabling children young people to feel confident in themselves and develop a positive sense of well-being, which supports them to achieve their best potential and live life to the full. Working in the SEND sector it is our responsibility not only to educate but also to advocate for children and young people, enabling them to overcome any barriers they may have to learning and inclusion in the wider world. It has been my privilege to be part of and lead on some of the changes implemented at the school over the last few years.
Outside of work you will find me exploring new places, watching movies and listening to music.