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Key Stage 2

During their time in KS2 the students will be learning about a variety of topics including: Staying safe at home and in the community/Mental Wellbeing –Feelings.  Hobbies and interests/Economic well-being as well as learning about our bodies and how we grow and change. Independent living skills are a big focus and students will start to learn how to carry out independent tasks which they will need now and in the future.

Key Stage 3

In KS3 our students will learn about: Personal identity: strengths, confidence, self-esteem, Knowledge and understanding about becoming informed citizens, Making compromises, goodwill and conflict resolution. The students will also have lessons in Home Management and Cooking which all go towards gaining skills needed in future life.

KS4: When the students move up to KS4 all they have learned will be built upon to reinforce how to have a Healthy Lifestyle which includes Mental wellbeing, Positive/Negative relationships and how to recognise the difference and build upon the positive ones. Changes/Employment which includes all transitions and feelings which may be encountered during the teenage years.